Creeping Jenny Dying? Here’s How to Revive this Evergreen Plant

Last Updated on December 15, 2021 by Grow with Bovees

Creeping Jenny, also known as moneywort, and twopenny grass or scientifically as Lysimachia nummularia is a flowering fast-growing plant in the primrose family Primulaceae.

This glossy evergreen perennial plant in containers features bright small yellow flowers, and low-growing leaves, which make an excellent ground cover.

Sometimes dark-leaved plants can run into some issues, and you may notice your Creeping Jenny dying such as dead flowers, but there’s no reason to break a sweat just yet, as there are myriad ways to revive this perennial, and enjoy single, bright yellow, cup-shaped flower blooms.

Creeping Jenny is often regarded as having an invasive nature in the yard, owing to its ability to spread quickly, but also adds color to most areas where it’s planted.

But if you care for your Creeping Jenny, and control its spread, the foliage and flowers of this plant can be a nice addition to your garden.

Reasons Why Your Creeping Jenny is Dying

There are several reasons why your Creeping Jenny is dying, including applying the wrong herbicides or weed killer to the surrounding soil and area, and when you grow Creeping Jenny in the wrong conditions.

Creeping Jenny Lysimachia nummularia however, is a hardy perennial plant, and usually does not have any problems with pests or diseases.

Fungi that Can Kill Creeping Jenny

There are several fungi and a disease or two that can be harmful to this low-growing plant, but you need to act fast to control the disease before it spreads to the stems and leaves of other plants. Infected plants can showcase poor growth and wilted leaves.

Southern Blight

Southern Blight is a serious fungal disease that attacks a variety of plants, including Creeping Jenny. It usually attacks plants under the soil line, which is why yellowing or wilting of the bottom leaves occurs if affected.

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There are no fungicides to kill Southern Blight, and all you can do is prevent this disease by removing all the affected leaves, burning them, or placing them in the garbage. They should not be used as mulch or compost in your yard.

Botrytis Blight

Also referred to as grey mold, Botrytis Blight is a fungal disease that affects Creeping Jenny, short and taller plants and is most prevalent during rainy conditions when the temperatures are roughly around 60-degrees F.

Botrytis Blight causes brown discoloration of Creeping Jenny leaves, and may even encourage silver-grey spores to develop on the dying and dead plant tissue.

You can’t get rid of Botrytis Blight with Borax or acid, but can use a liquid copper fungicide to control the spread of this disease.

Phyllosticta Leaf Spot

Just as the name would suggest, Phyllosticta Leaf Spot causes brown or tan bacterial leaf spots and browning of leaves of Creeping Jenny. It is caused by a fungal pathogen called Phyllosticta minima and is usually not a serious concern.

Not Watering Enough

Creeping Jenny flourishes in constantly moist damp soils, therefore one of the other reasons why Creeping Jenny is dying is not enough water. You may consider installing an irrigation system if this is a big problem for you.

Not Getting Enough Sunlight

Refrain from allowing creeping Jenny flowers to dry out, and protect the plant from the direct afternoon sun, because the excess heat may cause browning of leaves even in moist soils, so it’s best to keep them in partial shade areas.

However, Creeping Jenny does prefer warmer temperatures, and will not survive in temperatures below -30 °F (-34°C).

Favorable Planting Conditions

This perennial should be planted at least 12 to 18 inches apart in fresh soil so that it can spread easily, and form a beautiful dense carpet.

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A single Creeping Jenny plant can grow up to two feet wide, and planting it far apart will prevent damaging the roots of neighboring plants.

When you grow Creeping Jenny from seed, make sure to transplant the seedlings from the containers in the early spring, so that they can take root and blossom in the summer.

Adding to this, ensure that you water your new groundcover plant in the first week of planting, and prevent it from drying out.

Are You Using the Right Fertilizer for Creeping Jenny?

Even though Creeping Jenny grows in with any fertilizer you apply, it’s best to use organic, or balanced options such as compost, and spread compost around plants.

Fertilize Golden Creeping Jenny once a month or even less, depending on how vigorously you want this hardy plant to spread. You should stop fertilizing Creeping Jenny during the winter to encourage dormancy.

Is Your Creeping Jenny Looking Dead in the Winter? Tips for Survival

This determined plant grows wild even when you plant it in containers, and often crowds other favorable plants with its yellow leaves.

Its long creeping stems take root anywhere the leaf nodes touch the ground, so now you’ve got to take the necessary steps to prevent Creeping Jenny from adding stress to your other plants.

Consider planting Creeping Jenny where it won’t engulf other plants, like away from flower gardens. Creeping Jenny winter care is easy, where you don’t have to add gallons of water, but only have to water when until the ground freezes, and don’t fertilize until the late spring.

Why Are My Creeping Jenny Leaves Wilting?

The most likely reason for Creeping Jenny’s green foliage wilting or turning yellow is the afternoon heat. To prevent yellow foliage, keep the soil moist and position Creeping Jenny away from direct, afternoon full sun.

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What Insects Eat Creeping Jenny?

There are several insects that will munch on the leaves of Creeping Jenny like sawfly larvae, causing dead foliage or different foliage colors.

These insects are known to feed on the Loosestrife family of plants and can be easily distinguished by their silver/gray coating. You can use sevin dust, or an organic herbicide to kill sawfly caterpillars and save your Creeping Jenny from dying.

When Should I Prune Creeping Jenny?

Creeping Jenny requires little to no maintenance, but you can prune this plant to control horizontal growth. You can also divide Creeping Jenny to limit its spread, and increase air circulation.

The best time to trim back dead Creeping Jenny stems is before winter weather hits, and they will grow back healthier in the spring.

What is the Best Area to Grow Creeping Jenny?

Creeping Jenny is a perennial in USDA zones 4-9, therefore it can survive the wrath of winter, and will return in the spring.

It remains mostly evergreen during the winter, but can also lose its leaves completely in growing zones USDA 7 and colder. However, as long as you provide proper care and maintenance during this period, such as trimming back the dead stems and keeping the plant away from full sun, Creeping Jenny will return after the winter weather ends.

Final Thoughts

Often regarded as an invasive yard plant, Creeping Jenny is a hardy perennial that grows golden yellow leaves, usually in early summer, making it a great choice for ground covers. It needs less watering and can spread up to two feet quickly.

If you have a Creeping Jenny dying in a pot, check that the soil is moist, and for any signs of diseases. Next, make sure it is planted in the right soil conditions.
