Philodendron Micans Care – The Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Last Updated on October 15, 2021 by Grow with Bovees

Philodendron Micans, or Micans Philodendron. You’ve seen pictures of them on Instagram. You’ve looked them up to find out why plant lovers are taking so many pictures of them.

Perhaps you have recently acquired one, and you’re interested in Philodendron micans care and how to look after it.

Or you may be asking why people are going to Etsy to buy one or more of this particular indoor plant (yes, philodendron plants can be purchased on Etsy)?

Well, there are two easy answers:

1. They’re pretty cool looking plants.

2. They’re great for growing as house plants.

So, a cool, versatile plant that is great for indoor growing…

And this is coming off a year where many were stuck inside or working from home…

Yeah, kind of makes sense now.

But there is a better reason, too.

A lot of people just hadn’t heard of Philodendron micans. Or seen them.

Couple that with more time to start a hobby and bingo, you have a ground swell of enthusiasm for this perfect small space plant.

What is a Philodendron micans?

Well, it’s a plant. They are very popular houseplants, actually. It’s known for its heart-shaped leaves that have a velvet texture to them.

Its proper name is Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum, though many people know it by many common names, the heartleaf philodendron, or velvet leaf philodendron.

This species of plants are native to Central America and the Caribbean. It is part of the genus Philodendron in the Araceae family.

It’s a climber.

The plant itself tends to be on the smaller side, but the oval-shaped leaves can get pretty big with a deep green hue. You could say it’s a small plant that has a lot of heart, albeit a green one.

Bad jokes aside, it’s a robust plant that does very well indoors.

Its velvety leaves catch the eye and isn’t hard to care for.

It doesn’t take up much room and looks great anywhere, whether it’s in your bedroom or living room or that one spot you think needs a certain something to tie it all together.

You can grow it in a pot or a hanging basket.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some things you should know first. The nitty-gritty details below.

How Do You Care for a Philodendron micans?

Light Levels

Indirect sunlight or direct sunlight? Most enthusiasts have discovered bright indirect sunlight is the best for the love and care of your philodendron Micans.

It loves light, but direct light can dry it out and give it yellow leaves. So, don’t keep it in a closet and don’t leave it on your porch where the sun can fry it. The perfect light would be similar to a dappled shade.

How Do You Clean a Philodendron micans?

Let’s call this what it really is.


Like anything in a house, if it has a horizontal surface, you’ll find dust. The leaves of a Philodendron Mican are no different than the top of your refrigerator to dust.

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So, about once a month, gently dust the leaves with a soft cloth. Gently every time. Don’t want to harm or break the leaves in an attempt to care for them.

Potting Medium for Heart Leaf Philodendron

While they don’t have complicated soil requirements, it is recommended to use loose soil to avoid water retention and the risk of root ball rot. You can mix regular potting soil with peat moss. Indoor potting soil, high in organic matter, that is well-drained. Don’t plant them in an old canning jar unless you’ve added drainage holes.


Highly recommended.

This will help facilitate plant growth while ensuring it gets the nutrients it needs. A liquid fertilizer solution is the easiest way to fertilize, using a rounded 20-20-20 fertilizer which you can get already premixed, and is easy to apply.

Repotting These Vining Plants

As your Philodendron Micans grows, so should the size of its pot.

Repotting isn’t difficult, but always make sure the new pot is larger than the last. It doesn’t have to be significantly larger but enough to allow roots to continue to spread and the plant to continue to flourish.

Use the same potting medium as you used at the start. And again, any new pot should have adequate drainage.

Pruning This Climbing Plant

As with any plant, dead leaves should be removed with sharp pruning shears. As a healthy plant seeking light, you may need to trim back the vines to better shape it and encourage new growth.

Climbing and Support.

Philodendron Micans is a climbing plant, and wants to spread and climb.

Whether you want them to is up to you. However, you may need to provide them with additional support to encourage climbing.

This can be in the form of anything vertical which their aerial roots can latch onto.

Many people use a moss pole stuck into the pot. You could even mount a lattice to a wall where your plant can climb. Eventually, you could have a living wall of natural art.

Pests and Other Problems?

One problem a lot of people have at first is “leggy” or thin growth. This is almost always due to insufficient indirect light and/or poor air circulation.

The best solution, especially when first starting new growth, is to find that spot with sufficient indirect bright light.

Also, a small fan that can provide gentle air movement near the plant is a huge plus.

Once the plant is established and more robust, you can probably start looking for other places to place it.

Common pests, too, like spider mites, will always be a problem for many indoor plants, as well as outdoors.

No matter how clean you keep your place, you have to remember your Philodendron Micans is organic matter and bugs like to feed on all things organic.

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Keep your plants dusted and apply insecticidal soap as necessary.

Watering Routine

Watering your philodendron plant need not be frequent. Using regular tap water is fine. Check the dampness to dryness ratio of the soil.

You don’t want to see droopy leaves caused by a watering issue. If it’s about halfway dried out, then it’s time to water. Add enough water until you see some drops from the drain holes. Do not flood your pots, but keep the potting mix moist.

Do Philodendron Micans Like Humidity?

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: as a native of Central America and the Caribbean, Philodendron Micans thrive where the humidity is higher. You will not find them growing naturally in places like Southern California. Or Death Valley.

By keeping a high humidity level, you will reduce the chance of spider mites visiting, as they prefer a hot, dry atmosphere.

Should I Mist my Philodendron Micans?

As mentioned above, Philodendron Micans love high humidity, which is found in their natural environment.

Misting is an easy way to raise the humidity level around your plants. And all you need is a cheap little spray bottle. Also, a humidifier is useful if you want a more continuous source of humidity.

Heck, you might already have one if you’ve had children with sinus issues. Time to repurpose!

Do Philodendron micans Like To Dry Out?

Drying out might be the wrong way to put it. You don’t want to let them go without water for extended periods to the point where they die.

At the same time, you don’t want to swamp them with so much water that they develop root rot, (which can happen if they receive too much moisture, and the soil stays wet for too long), and, eventually, drown to death.

As mentioned before, check your potting medium dry to dampness ratio. When it’s about 50/50, add enough water until you see signs of natural drainage. After that, check on it every once in a while. It’s not something you need to do every day.

Does Philodendron micans Grow Fast?

Assuming you’ve found a good source of natural light, figured out the natural air movement solution, planted in good loose soil high in organic material, fertilized with a quality nutrient solution, dusted, kept pests at bay, and watered appropriately, then yes, they are fast growing plants! Your plants are going to grow fast.

And the faster and more robust they grow, the more attention they’ll need on all those things already mentioned.

How Can I Make My micans Philodendron Grow Faster?

Again, just read the above.

Hitting all those notes will encourage faster growth. And just as in anything involving planting and growing, set backs will affect the rate of growth.

If you stay on top of things, though, you’ll see your plants growing faster than you could have imagined. But remember, it’s not a race.

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Responsible growing to maintain healthy plants is more important than the rate of growth. And there are no steroids to use.

You may also be interested in further Philodendron information;
Care of Philodendron Gloriosum
Philodendron Lemon Lime Care
Billietiae Philodendron
Care of Pink Princess Philodendron
Care of Philodendron Bipennifolium
Care of Philodendron Cordatum
Philodendron Florida Ghost

Propagating Philodendron micans

You can propagate philodendron micans by trimming a vine between leaf nodes and planting by placing the cutting into potting mix or water. If you’re planting in a quality potting medium, ensure at least one node is below the soil line.

If you can cover the whole thing with a cut-off plastic bottle, or something similar, this will keep humidity high, and you won’t have to worry about keeping the soil moist, it will happen with the condensation from inside its cocoon.

To determine if your vine has taken root in the soil, pull on it gently and see if it resists. If it does, it has started to take root.

If using a jar of water, ensure the glass is clear. That way, you’ll be able to literally see the root development as it happens. Once the roots appear, you can transfer the stem cutting to a container of potting soil and allow them to take root.

How Long Do Philodendron micans Take To Root?

Not long, as long as you stay on top of them and do the things already mentioned. Assuming you do, it should take little more than a few weeks. From there you should be off and running (or growing in its case).

Is Philodendron micans Toxic to Animals or Children?

Research varies on this topic.

The plant does have calcium oxalate crystals (the same things that form kidney stones). Some studies have shown that this type of plant can be toxic to mice and rats.

For household pets, it may have an effect of general sickness or irritation. For children, you can probably expect a similar reaction.

The best guidance is always caution and keep out of the reach of any curious pets or kids that might suddenly want to chew on some leaves. When in doubt, keep it out…of reach.

Where Can I Buy a Philodendron micans Plant?

Where you can buy a heart leaf Philodendron Micans varies. But the good news is, with internet commerce, you also have a lot of choices. I mentioned Etsy at the beginning. You can also find them at other online marketplaces with a simple web search. You will also find many other types of Philodendrons, like the Florida Ghost Philodendron, for example.

If you live in the South or on the East Coast where humidity-loving plants are easier to get, you might be able to find Philodendron Micans at your local garden center or plant co-op. In drier states like California and Arizona, online is probably your best avenue of choice.