Philodendron Florida Ghost Care

Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Grow with Bovees

Philodendron Florida Ghost is a tropical evergreen plant with unusual, many-lobed leaves and long, red stems.

The Philodendron Florida Ghost has a unique appearance, the leaves are a pale white color when they first appear, later changing to a range of shades of green.

Because these plants have lower light requirements, they are popular houseplants.

By learning about their natural habitat, you can learn how to care for your Florida Ghost Philodendron.

Philodendron Florida Ghost requires fertile soil with excellent drainage and to be watered thrice weekly in spring and summer, feeding monthly.

During winter, water them once a week. They thrive in bright, indirect light or dappled shade.

Provide these climbers with a moss totem for support.

This species is a hybrid between Philodendron squamiferum and Philodendron pedatum and has similar care requirements to its parent species.

Like many indoor plants, they are native to tropical parts of Central and South America and thrive in hot, humid environments.

Keep reading to learn how to make your Philodendron a happy plant in your home, no matter where you live.

The Best Soil For Philodendron Florida Ghost Plants

The ideal substrate for this plant is a soil mixture that holds enough moisture to keep the plant hydrated but drains quickly enough so that the roots do not sit in water for extended periods, developing root rot. Philodendron Florida Ghost prefers slightly acidic soils, (which you can test with a pH tester), of between pH 6.1– 6.5.

Keep in mind that Philodendrons are rainforest plants. The potting mixture you use needs to simulate these conditions. Add lots of organic matter (coco peat or bark) to the potting mixture, as well as perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage.

They will also thrive if you plant them using leca balls, which is an expanded clay material used by many people as a growing medium.

Florida Ghost Philodendron Light Requirements

In their natural habitat, Philodendrons grow under the rainforest canopy, climbing along the trunks and branches of trees. They naturally receive dappled or bright, indirect light.

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To ensure that your Florida Ghost’s leaves do not burn, keep them away from harsh, direct sunlight. The perfect position for them is near a window.

If they do not get sufficient sunlight, the stems will grow longer, and they will start to look leggy. To remedy this, use a grow light or move your plant to a spot with brighter shade.

Ideal Temperature And Humidity

Philodendron Florida Ghost is a herbaceous perennial that is hardy in zones 9b to 11.

In these areas, it can be grown outdoors in the garden, but everywhere else, they are kept as indoor plants.

Remember that they originate from areas with humid environments, and they are also sensitive to extreme heat (over 95 °F or 35 °C) and cold temperatures (below 55 °F or 12 °C).

They do appreciate a slightly warm environment. Their optimal temperature range is between 65 °F and 85 °F (18-30 °C).

They are happy in a humidity range of between 40% and 80%.

If your specimen starts to develop brown leaves, this could be a sign of a dry environment, and humidity needs to be increased.

How Much to Water Philodendron Plants?

Like most tropical plants, these Philodendrons grow actively in spring and summer and slow down over winter when it goes into dormancy due to the cold temperatures. Their watering requirements are directly linked to their growth rate.

Water them regularly, up to thrice weekly during the growing season. Let the upper inch or two of soil dry out between watering (poke your finger into the soil to check).

They can suffer from overwatering if there is not enough drainage, and the roots sit in the water for long periods of time. They only require water once a week during the colder months.

Fertilizing Philodendron Florida Ghost

General-purpose organic liquid fertilizer should be used to feed these plants once a month during the warmer months of spring and summer and every 6 to 8 weeks during fall and winter. Dilute the fertilizer to half strength to avoid burning the plant.

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Supporting Florida Ghost Philodendron

Like most Philodendrons, Florida Ghost is a climbing plant that can reach up to 12 feet tall when it grows outdoors. Indoors, they generally reach a height of 2 to 5 feet. To help them reach their full potential, you need to provide them with something to grow up onto.

Support your Philodendron Florida Ghost by staking it with a wooden stick or a moss totem pole. These are available from most garden centers, or alternatively, you can make your own moss pole.

When And How To Repot Philodendron Florida Ghost

Philodendron Florida Ghosts are relatively naturally slow-growing plants that do not require annual repotting.

You will know your Florida Ghost is due for repotting when the roots begin poking out from the pot’s drainage holes.

Generally, they require a larger plant pot every 2 to 3 years.

The optimal time to repot this plant is in spring. Gently turn the pot upside down, removing the Philodendron by its stem.

Carefully knock off the old soil and remove any dried or dead roots. Place it into a larger container with fresh potting soil.

Philodendron Florida Ghost Propagation in Water

It is simple to propagate Philodendron Florida Ghost from a stem cutting from the mother plant. Here is how:

— Using a sharp, sterile knife, cut the healthy stems into 4-to-6-inch-long pieces with 1 or 2 leaves each.

— Place the stem cuttings into a container with water and replace the water every couple of days when it goes murky.

— You will start to see the roots growing after about a month.

— Pot your cuttings up when the roots have reached 1 or 2 inches in length. Use small pots filled with well-draining soil or potting mix. You may need to use wooden sticks to support the cuttings in their pots.

— Keep them regularly watered so that the soil does not dry out.

Pests And Diseases

Philodendron Florida Ghost is resistant to common pests and diseases for the most part.

They can fall victim to sap-sucking insects like scale, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites.

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Inspect your plant often so that you can identify and treat pests as early as possible before they have caused significant damage.

Spray the plant with neem oil or use insecticidal soap to control these pests.

The most common disease that these Philodendrons get is root rot — a fungal infection that is caused by overwatering and poor soil drainage.

They can also get fire blight, a bacterial infection.

Always ensure you sterilize knives and shears using hydrogen peroxide or similar prior to pruning or when taking cuttings.

You may also be interested in further Philodendron information;
Care of Philodendron Gloriosum
Micans Philodendron
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Is A Philodendron Florida Ghost Plant Safe For Pets?

Philodendron Florida Ghost does contain low levels of calcium oxalate crystals, which is mildly toxic to humans.

Cats have been reported to have died from ingesting Philodendron plant material, but the evidence is not conclusive.

It is wise, therefore, to keep small children and pets from coming into contact with Philodendron plants.


The Philodendron Florida Ghost is a hybrid species. In many parts of the world, they are often grown as house plants.

They have reasonably low light requirements, growing best in dappled shade or bright, indirect sunlight. Harsh, direct light burns their leaves.

Water this Philodendron thrice weekly in spring and summer, and once a week during fall and winter when its growth slows down.

They benefit from a feed with liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season and every 2 months when plants are dormant.

Because they are climbing plants, they require a moss pole or a wooden stake for support. They can reach over 5 feet tall with proper support.

These slow-growing plants only need to be repotted every 2 to 3 years.

Plant Philodendron Florida Ghost in a rich potting soil that has been amended with perlite for drainage. They can suffer from root rot or fire blight if the soil does not have adequate drainage.