Lemon Lime Philodendron Care

Last Updated on October 19, 2021 by Grow with Bovees

Lemon Lime Philodendron plants are gorgeous houseplants with heart-shaped leaves that enjoy an indoor environment and are easy to care for, which is why they tend to be quite popular.

But not everyone knows how to correctly go about caring for these plants, which is perfectly fine, as we do not know unless we are taught.

So, how exactly do you properly grow a Lemon Lime Philodendron?

When caring for a Lemon Lime plant, it is important that you account for surrounding temperatures, humidity, soil conditions, potting mix, watering requirements, light requirements, and fertilizers for your plant to remain healthy and happy.

Keeping the plant healthy is vital, so diseases and pests do not become a problem.


The lemon-lime philodendron is a hederaceus species deriving from the philodendron genus.

Like all philodendrons, it belongs to the Araceae family, subfamily Aroideae.

It is an evergreen plant and will usually remain beautiful and fresh all year round regardless of any seasonal changes.

The philodendron genus consists of a large amount of flowering, strong stemmed plant species.

In 2015, roughly 489 different species were recorded. These include climbing vines, non-climbing vines as well as herbs.

Most genus philodendrons are extremely popular among plant lovers.

They make for gorgeous indoor plant decoration, they are easy to cultivate, and they have a fast-growing nature.


Philodendrons are all native to the Central and Southern regions of American tropical rainforests. All of them make for very popular houseplants thanks to their unique and gorgeous leaves.

Philodendrons can be subdivided into two categories, namely climbers and non-climbers.

Philodendron lemon-limes are a species of climbers and are therefore classified as climbing vines.

The production of aerial roots and nodes from their strong stems is what helps them climb up nearby support systems.

Planting them into hanging baskets makes for great indoor hanging plant ornaments.


The scientific name and less common name for this houseplant is known as Philodendron hederaceum lemon-lime. This vine is however, called by many other names.

Other names are:

  • Sweetheart vine
  • Lemon-lime heart leaf philodendron
  • Areum
  • Philodendron scandens lemon lime plant
  • Golden Brazil
  • Philodendron cordatum lemon lime
  • Philodendron velvet

Just to name a few, maybe you have already heard of one or the other.

Foliage And Stem

The leaves of the lemon-lime plant vine can grow up to 7-10 inches in length and 1-2 inches in width. If however, placed in an open area where it is left to grow freely, the leaves’ growth may be larger.

The foliage of the sweetheart vine grows thin with heart-shaped leaves presenting with an eye-catching pinky yellow color, to begin with.

As the plant develops into a mature plant, the variegation changes to a neon lime green.

This sweetheart grows in massive vines with its stems rapidly pouring down in huge quantities. Its growth rate is relatively fast providing that it is given some support. For example, a mossy pole.


Even though this is a medium-sized plant, the downward cascading stems of the Philodendron hederaceum lemon-lime can grow to become amazingly long. The minimum length will be about 8-12 inches. They can, however, grow even longer.

Trimming is advisable depending on the desired shape and size.


The lemon-lime heartleaf philodendron does not commonly make flowers. Blooming is therefore a scarce property.

However, if or when it starts blooming, the flowers that appear are a lovely pearl white.

These blossoms are unfortunately not long-lasting, and they stay the same in shape, size and color.

The Basic Care Requirements Of Lemon Lime Philodendrons

How do you know when your Lemon Lime Philodendron has been watered enough? What temperature and humidity are ideal for these plants to thrive in? What pests and diseases should you look out for with a Lemon Lime Philodendron? Let us have an in-depth look at these questions and more in this article.

The Lemon Lime Philodendron, which as above-mentioned, is a tropical plant easy to keep healthy. They tend to be pretty durable, so they are good plants even for people who do not have a green thumb.

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This does, however not mean that the plants do not need to be cared for.

These plants still want some love and attention, and there are some crucial steps you should follow when caring for them. Let us go through how to care for a Lemon Lime Philodendron properly.

Proper Watering

As Lemon Lime Philodendrons is a plant found in rainforests, the water requirements tend to be frequent.

Wait until the top 50%, meaning the top few inches of soil is dry, before you begin to water the plant again.

When you water your Lemon Lime Philodendron, ensure that you water the plant until the water starts to run through the drainage hole in the bottom of the plant pot. If the top layer of soil feels wet, do not water your plant.

After watering your plant, discard any water that has collected in the saucer below the plant pot.

If the Lemon Lime Philodendron leaves are turning yellow, this is an indication of over-watering the plant.

You must pay close attention to the dampness of the soil before you water your plant to ensure over-watering does not occur.

If your Lemon Lime Philodendrons leaves are becoming softer than usual or turning brown, this is an indication that you are under-watering your plant.

You will have to gradually increase the amount of water you give your plant if you notice these defects. If you suddenly increase the amount, it can lead to its own problems, such as root rot, which in turn causes yellow or brown leaves.

Humidity Requirements

Even though the Philodendron hederaceum is a tropical plant, the average humidity in your house is usually sufficient for this philodendron, and the plant should not develop any issues.

However, the higher the humidity is, the larger the Lemon Lime Philodendron leaves will grow.

So, if you want the lovely big leaves that the Lemon Lime Philodendron is known for, it would be beneficial to mist the plant occasionally. This will create a humid environment surrounding the plant. You can also get yourself a plant humidifier to take care of this. It is not fond of dry environments.


To keep your Lemon Lime Philodendron happy, the temperature you keep it in is essential. You need to ensure that the plant is kept at a temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 26 degrees Celsius) during the day. These temperatures make for ideal conditions.

The temperature must not drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius) at night, as lower temperatures can damage the plant’s growth.

You should ensure that your Lemon Lime Philodendron is kept away from any drafts, especially during the winter, as this can stunt their growth. Harsh conditions such as an icy environment will kill your plant.

Sunlight Requirements Of The Philodendron Hederaceum Lemon Lime 

The Lemon Lime Philodendron, due to its tropical origin, will grow best in light that imitates the light conditions of the under-canopy of a rainforest. Namely, bright indirect light.

The Lemon Lime Philodendron tends to survive well in low light conditions as well, but will grow at its best and at a faster rate in bright but indirect light.

Do not keep your Lemon Lime Philodendron in direct sunlight for a long time, as the sunlight will burn the plant’s leaves, which will lead to permanent damage to the plant’s leaves.

The Soil & Potting

The perfect soil type to keep your Lemon Lime Philodendron plant in is a loose, well-draining potting mix, that is moist.

Generally, traditional or common potting mixes will do just fine for this plant, but you can also use soil mixes with one-part houseplant soil and peat in the mixture.

Just ensure that it is fertile soil and that the potting soil is loose enough that the plant’s roots can easily grow through it.

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It would be best if you avoided sandy soils; even though they tend to drain better than other soil, they will not be loose enough for the roots of the Lemon Lime Philodendron.

Lemon Lime Plant Repotting Requirements

The Lemon Lime Philodendron can be repotted at the end of its dormant period in the winter or at the beginning of the plant growing season in the early spring.

This plant is happy to be slightly root bound, as its roots will grow into a ball.

It is recommended that you repot your Lemon Lime Philodendron by the time its new leaves begin to grow so that you do not stunt the plant’s growth.

Repot into a slightly bigger container to promote free and maximum root growth. And be sure that you choose a grower with drainage holes.


During the growing season of your Philodendron Lemon Lime, which is spring and summer, it is recommended that you use a light fertilizer to fertilize them monthly.

When it’s outside the plant’s growing season, you should fertilize the plant every other month.

When you are fertilizing your Lemon Lime Philodendron, you can use a standard plant fertilizer or regular houseplant fertilizer.

Basic household fertilizer makes for excellent fertilizer. However, you should use it at half or a quarter of the strength when adding it to your plant’s soil. Fertilizer that is too strong may burn the plant’s stems.

Pruning Philodendron Lemon Lime Plants

When looking at your Lemon Lime Philodendron, if you see any discolored, damaged, dead, or unwell leaves, you will need to trim them away.

To do this, you need to use sharp shears or scissors. Do not rip or twist off the leaves; if you do this, you will cause your Lemon Lime Philodendron to scar or create wounds in those areas.

To trim off some volume from your plant, you need to trim above the leaf nodes to help stimulate and improve growth.

You should also wipe any dust that may accumulate on the leaves of your Lemon Lime Philodendrons occasionally with a damp cloth. This will help your plant breathe better through clean pores.

Lemon Lime Philodendron Propagation

Propagating Lemon Lime Philodendrons is an easy task that can be done at home but should only be attempted in the summer or spring. This is when the plant is most active.

One way is to cut the stem of the plant with sharp shears or scissors.

You can then either place the stem into moist soil or water. The stem will begin to grow roots in either one of these, so the choice of which one to use is yours.

If you place the stem into the water, you can transfer it to a pot with moist soil once the roots begin to grow. From there, the Lemon Lime Philodendron will start to sprout new growth in about 3 to 4 months if given optimal light.

Lemon Lime Pest & Disease Issues

Lemon Lime Philodendron plants are not particularly prone to diseases or pests; in fact, they can go through an entire life span and not have an issue with either.

However, this will only happen if your plant is in a condition of good health; weak or stressed plants are more susceptible to attacks from disease and pests such as spider mites.

The pests that are most common with these plants are mealybug and spider mites. They are often found on leaves and stems.

Both of these pests are harmful to your plant as they suck the plant’s sap. This will further weaken your plant and rob the plant of vital nutrients they need to survive.

To treat all these pests, you have the options to use insecticidal soap spray or neem oil, which is especially good for preventative purposes.

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The most common diseases that Lemon Lime Philodendron can suffer from are fungal disease, bacterial infections and root rot.

With most of these, moisture plays the most prominent role because if water does not dry quickly enough on the leaves or in the soil, these diseases will grow and take hold.

These diseases are easy to prevent; you just need to ensure that the plant has enough air circulation and do not overwater your Lemon Lime Philodendron.

Lemon Lime Philodendron vs Neon Pothos

Both the Neon pothos and the Philodendron lemon-lime are popular vines typically grown as houseplants.

The neon pothos and the philodendron both belong to the Araceae (aroid) family and are present with long vines and amazing bright variegated leaves

The neon pothos and the philodendron both grow petioles and develop incredible aerial roots for the vines to easily wrap around or grow along surrounding structures.

The neon pothos happens to look very similar to the lemon-lime philodendron. It doesn’t matter which one you choose to add to your plant collection, as they are both equally magnificent.

But just in case, continue on to learn about the similarities as well as the differences between these much sought after house plants.

Leaf Shape, Texture & Foliage Color

The shape of foliage is the biggest dissimilarity between the philodendron vs the pothos. Upon a quick glance, both plants appear to have equally beautiful heart-shaped leaves.

Look closer and you will see a difference.

The lemon-lime philodendron grows leaves that are more prominently heart-shaped. They are also quite a bit thinner and the leaves’ texture is softer.

The leaves are generally broader and shorter. The color of the lemon-lime philodendron is subtle and light lime green. Brownish or pink variegation may also be noticed.

The Neon pothos on the other hand, has leaves that develop much larger and thicker than those of the Philodendron lemon-lime.

The texture is also generally waxier. These leaves are more elongated. The color of the neon pothos — as the name suggests — is bright neon green. These neon green leaves give them quite a tropical look.

The connection of the leaf’s base to the petiole also differs.

In neon pothos, the leaf base is quite straight in comparison to the leaf base of the lemon-lime, which is dramatically curved towards the inside.

You may also be interested in further Philodendron information;
Gloriosum Philodendron
Philodendron Pink Princess
Cordatum Philodendron
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Growth Pattern & Growth Habit

Both vines are fast-growing in nature and develop aerial roots in order to climb. Their root structure bears slight differences though.

The Philodendron lemon-lime has a much wilder look due to the growth of multiple small roots from the leaf nodes.

The neon pothos only grows a single aerial root from each leaf node, making them appear neater.

The philodendron lemon-lime has a tendency to grow throughout the year, making it an evergreen plant, whereas the neon pothos grows vigorously, making a growth spurt during warmer months and slows down during winter.


Philodendron lemon lime plants require care on a relatively easy level, and there is not much guesswork that goes into growing a healthy plant at home.

You need to ensure that they get the optimal conditions of light, water, and fertilizer and are kept in the right soil in order to achieve green foliage.

Pruning these plants is an easy task and generally does not need to be done regularly if you keep the plant healthy and the foliage fresh.

A way of good plant care is to keep the philodendron scandens in light areas of indirect sunlight in your home.

One last thing, philodendron scandens are toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate in their plant tissue. Ingestion may cause allergic swelling and or vomiting.

Good luck caring for your Lemon Lime Philodendron.