Last Updated on January 7, 2022 by Grow with Bovees
As autumn begins and the leaves start falling from the trees, a subtle irritation begins to set in, derived from the gradual realization that at some stage very soon you are going to have to do something about said leaves, if for no reason other than you don’t want yourself or your elderly visiting mother-in-law to go flying down the front steps on the way to the car.
The thought of spending the whole of a precious Saturday sweeping leaves, especially soggy ones(!), instead of relaxing in front of the football with a cold beer, is enough to tempt one to put in for a bit of overtime at work instead!
But that could blessedly be a story from your past, thanks to the Husqvarna 360bt, if not the best then, definitely one of the best backpack blowers on the market.
Now you can clear your yard in a fraction of the time over the weekend and maybe if you have a chance to get home a little earlier from work than normal, you could even get it done in one or two evenings during the week.
How very satisfying seeing a couple of bags sitting on the drive on a Saturday morning knowing you have a whole guilt-free day to spend at your leisure.
Or maybe you’re a bit of a keen gardener and by Saturday morning the compost bin is already benefiting from a new layer.
Add to that the fact that the Husqvarna 360bt leaf blower actually almost makes the job enjoyable! Turning what used to be a tedious chore into a bit of fun, light exercise.
With so many leaf blowers on the market these days it takes quite a bit of research to decide on which particular model to plump for, so I hope that this Husqvarna 360bt review helps you come to a happy decision.
When it comes to power tools, quite often people have a preferred ‘go-to manufacturer’ that they turn to.
Whether because that is the manufacturer their Dad swore by or because that was the make of the first power tool they owned. Whatever the reason, it is very likely that Husqvarna would appear somewhere in the top three most popular brands.
They’ve always been one of my first choices, maybe because that was the make of the impressive chainsaw my Dad bought after the 1987 hurricane that brought the UK to a standstill. As a 9-year-old boy at the time, I was in awe…although it was quite a few years later before I was allowed to have a go!
Anyway, back to my review of the Husqvarna 360bt backpack blowers best traits…
Husqvarna 360BT Backpack Blower Review
I’m going to start with a few facts regarding what Husqvarna blowers actually consist of.
When it comes to a leaf blower Husqvarna really know what they’re up to and in particular with their backpack blowers Husqvarna have excelled themselves.
What Type Of Engine Does The 360 BT Have?
The Husqvarna 360bt comes with a trademark Husqvarna X-Torq© engine.
What is an X-Torq© engine? I hear you ask.
This is a precision-engineered petrol-driven engine designed by Husqvarna (similar to those used in Husqvarna chainsaws), to provide high torque for those jobs that need an extra bit of grunt. They use this engine across their range of blowing, cutting, and trimming tools.
The X-Torq© engine comes in a range of models with different power capabilities.
The patented X-Torq© technology gives maximum power at low revs which, for one, makes handling far easier.
In addition, the X-Torq© engine has excellent fuel consumption, up to 20% less than conventional engines and, as a consequence, is therefore quite often cheaper to run.
Not only do the fuel-saving properties of the engine make it eco-friendly, so too does the fact that this engine has 75% less emissions than conventional engines.
Without going into too much detail on the subject, this is achieved by flushing the exhaust fumes out of the engine with pure air instead of air mixed with fuel.
The X-Torq© engine addresses three of, IMHO, the most important considerations of everyday life; productivity, value for money, and the environment.
The model used in the Husqvarna 360 BT is a 65cc 2-stroke motor that provides a very respectable 3.81HP using a cylinder displacement of 65.6 cubic centimeters.
To put that in perspective, 65cc’s is bigger than some motorbike engines (think back to the 50cc moped the guy down the street had that your Grandfather used to bitch about)……and….3.81 hp by definition means that it has enough power to be capable of lifting in excess of 2000 pounds by 1 foot in 1 second.
One pretty powerful engine all in all, right?
Does It Start Easily?
Not only is the power of the engine impressive, but so is the ease of start-up.
I remember when my dad used to have to take at least five or six yanks on the pull cord to crank up his oldfangled leaf blower, but the 360BT is a positive dream to start-up, usually taking one or a maximum of two sharp tugs to get it running.
What Kind of Fuel Does It Use?
As with all two-stroke engines, you need to use a mixture of gas (petrol) and oil, at a ratio of 50:1 (gas to oil).
Preferably the oil that you use should be a synthetic one to avoid high emissions and also to minimize oily deposits building up inside the engine. When you buy the blower, a bottle of oil is provided, however, take note that Husqvarna offers a great add-on deal with their warranty which I cover in more detail below.
The fuel tank on the X-Torq© engine you will find holds just about 4 pints. In my experience, this lasts a bit over an hour on full throttle by which time you’ve earned a short break anyway!
What Is It’s Blowing Capacity?
In short, the 360BT has a very high blowing capacity.
If you want to talk tech then what we’re looking at is a maximum power speed of 8100rpm, an impressive CFM rating of 631 CFM, and a top airspeed of 232 mph.
For those like me who aren’t up on all that tech talk, I’ve done a bit of homework for us… CFM stands for Cubic Feet per Minute which basically tells you how much air the blower moves and how quickly it can move it.
However, be warned, when comparing CFM ratings alone one needs to be aware that the smaller the exit opening, the higher the CFM rating will be for the same motor power, hence some cheaper manufacturers make the exit tubing narrower in order to get a higher reading.
The motor of the 360bt on its own produces 890 CFM and a top airspeed of 232 mph so all in all we can say with conviction that the 360 bt has a hell of a lot of blowing power!
How Noisy Is It?
Well, there’s no denying that at 97dB (at the operator’s ear), it’s pretty noisy, similar to an outboard motor (90 dB).
So I think we can say that the noise is a fair trade-off for its performance.
However, to put that into perspective; Rustling leaves produce 20 dB, an average bird call 44 dB, a vacuum cleaner 70 dB, live rock music 110 dB, and a thunderclap produces 120 dB.
So I think we can say that the noise is a fair trade-off for its performance.
However, some kind of ear protection is definitely advisable, as is eye protection, so if you haven’t already got anything suitable then it could be worth investing in some dual-purpose PPE such as Husqvarna’s Chain Saw Helmet which has ear protectors and a face screen as well as a rain neck protector.
How Much Does It Weigh?
The 360bt has a total weight of 23.2 lbs, which is similar to the weight of an average 18-month-old baby, however, since it is carried on your back, it doesn’t actually feel as heavy as that.
Is It Easy To Operate?
Husqvarna has put a lot of effort into designing the 360bt to be as user-friendly as possible and in my opinion, they have succeeded very well.
The harness is fully adjustable to suit all body shapes & sizes and has ventilation holes to help keep you cool as well as extra-wide shoulder straps and a chest strap to stop your shoulders from taking strain although 23.2 lbs isn’t going to be a major issue for most people.
The adjustable handle is ergonomically designed and positioned at an offset angle so that you have easier control when directing the nozzle plus it minimizes arm strain by preventing your arm from being pulled down.
Operating the throttle lever is relatively straightforward. Your finger does not need to hold it down the entire time, it has a cruise control feature, so you can let go of the lever as soon as the setting is engaged and it will stay in place until you disengage it.
Cruise control on a power tool….now there’s an innovation for you!
The low vibration level of 2.48 m/s2 means that you can work with the 360bt for long periods without suffering any unpleasant tingling or numbness.
- X-TORQ ENGINE: The X-Torq engine design reduces harmful exhaust emissions by up to 60 Percent and increases fuel efficiency by up to 20 Percent
- UTILIZE FULL BLOW FORCE WITH MINIMAL ARM STRAIN: The offset handle makes the blow forces easier to control by preventing the arm from being pulled downwards
Can The 360bt Be Used For Other Jobs?
As it’s pretty powerful it doesn’t have a problem moving around considerable-sized twigs and sticks as well as rubbish that can accumulate in the corners of your yard.
The adjustable throttle also means that you can set it to a slower speed more suitable for tackling delicate jobs in and around flower beds. It also helps save on fuel consumption when full power is not required.
You can also use it for cleaning patios and driveways of debris and water after a storm and it also works very effectively as a snowblower on dry snow.
What Accessories Can I Get For This Blower?
The first accessory on anyone’s list should be the special tube extension pack for clearing gutters.
Another available accessory is a long handlebar, very handy for difficult to access areas and working around flower pots, trash cans etc.
The flat nozzle attachment channels the airflow to give an increase in airspeed which is beneficial for stubborn moving stubborn debris including very wet leaves and mud. It is also useful when you want more control over the direction in which the leaves/debris/water is blown.
I’ve already mentioned the importance of using protective gear for your ears & eyes when using a leaf blower and I would also add gloves to that list as they are handy for moving things while you are working.
A pair of thick-soled boots are also advisable as you never know what you might tread on while your attention is focused on what you are blowing.
Is the 360 BT Easy To Assemble?
I wouldn’t even go so far as using the word assemble.
You only need to connect the pipes, clip the control cable on, and attach the control handle.
It which should only take you a couple of minutes, maybe a little longer the first time.
It’s probably sensible to have a can of silicone lubricant such as WD40 handy to lubricate the pipes if necessary, but after a few uses that shouldn’t even be necessary.
How Do I Maintain The Husqvarna 360Bt?
Maintenance is always something to be mindful of if you want to get the most out of any tool, especially a power tool.
Here is the list of recommended tips from the manufacturer:
- Use a rag to wipe the machine’s exterior each time you have finished using it.
- Test the throttle control regularly before and after using the machine.
- Make sure the stop switch does its job. Start and stop it a few times before using the machine.
- Keep the air filter clean and keep a replacement in stock.
- Occasionally tighten the leaf blower’s nuts and screws as they may loosen with use.
- Check the area where you keep the leaf blower for signs of a leak. Fuel leaks can be hazardous.
- Check your fuel filter for signs of contamination and keep a spare in stock.
- The spark arrestor screen on the muffler will need to be cleaned regularly as this is what screens the carbon particles from the exhaust system. Blowers with a catalytic convertor do not require this.
- Make sure there is a free flow of air through the intake screen. Clear it of any blockages.
- Become familiar with the contents of your user’s guide. It has a lot more information on other maintenance tasks.
How Long Is The Warranty On The 360BT?
The warranty period on the 360BT is two years.
It will cover defects in materials as well as servicing if any repairs are needed or any replacements at any authorized servicing center or dealer.
- X-TORQ ENGINE: The X-Torq engine design reduces harmful exhaust emissions by up to 60 Percent and increases fuel efficiency by up to 20 Percent
- UTILIZE FULL BLOW FORCE WITH MINIMAL ARM STRAIN: The offset handle makes the blow forces easier to control by preventing the arm from being pulled downwards
Extended Warranty Option
In addition, Husqvarna offers a great deal, whereby, if you buy at least six bottles of Husqvarna brand 2-cycle oil when you buy the blower itself, they will extend your warranty from two years to three years.
And, if you buy 96 oz of their pre-mixed fuel they will extend it to five years!
The only caveat here is that all purchases must appear on the same sales receipt and you are required to register your purchase online with Husqvarna.
Final Thoughts
All in all, let’s just say that we are looking at a powerful, commercial-style backpack blower designed for demanding tasks while at the same time being; easy to operate, economical to run, and environmentally friendly. You will see for yourself that this statement is backed up by the number of 4 and 5-star reviews this backpack blower has received.