Are Majesty Palms Toxic to Cats?

Last Updated on January 31, 2022 by Grow with Bovees

Majestic palms (Ravenea rivulare), typically an indoor plant, feature tall arched leaves topped by several slender stalks.

Many people ask, are majesty palms toxic to cats?

It’s not easy to grow palms from seedlings. If you’re new to growing indoor palm trees, start by considering Kentia palms, bamboos, or Parlor palms (Chamae­dorea elegans).

These indoor palms, are good alternatives to the Majesty Palm and do not require nearly as stable surrounding conditions to grow easily. However, if you purchase this plant in it’s adolescence or when it is fully grown, they are fairly easy to keep.

To grow majestic palms successfully requires a careful balance among several factors, including temperature, lighting, and fertile soil. If plants have been over fertilized and grown under too bright conditions, they grow taller than usual.

If plants don’t get enough grow light or if they’re not watered regularly, they may start burning. Indoor plants need indirect light but not too much sun; they require plenty of water but don’t want any extra fertilization.

Is my Majesty Palm Toxic or Dangerous to my Cat?

This is one of several types of palms that are popular for indoor use because they produce an impressive display when grown indoors. So if you have his lovely plant in your home, along with a feline friend, you may be wondering if the Majesty Palm is safe for cats.

It has been proven that the majesty palm tree contains no toxins or chemicals which could harm your pet. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with letting him eat, rub against and play near it. It is also known to be non-toxic to humans and to our canine friends.  

Even though your cat may chew your palm tree down to a stemless plant, the damage done by the chewing shouldn’t affect anything but its appearance.

The only time a pet owner should be worried, is if you have kittens. A kitten might eat through all of the palms leaves, and if it swallows too much, because of the thin nature of the leaves, a ball could form inside their mouths, making them unable to breathe properly.

You’ll learn more about why Majesty Palm is an excellent option for homes with curious cats or other animals. We’ll also look at ways to protect your palms from damage due to your pets nibbling or rubbing on them. If you’re interested in growing some new houseplants for yourself, will give you a couple of suggestions that you might consider adding to you collection.

What Should I Do if My Cat Eats Parts of My Majesty Palm?

It doesn’t contain toxins so there’s no need for concern if your cat or kitten consumes parts of it.

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Usually, the cat recovers from vomiting up the plant particles it ate. Call your vet if you think your cat ate too much of the plant and he/she is struggling to breathe.

Cats and kittens usually recover from an upset stomach without any medical treatment after just a couple of days. Keep an eye on your cat though, if the symptoms persist for longer, call the vet.

Why Are Cats Drawn To Majesty Palm?

When cats start admiring and enjoying the majesty plant they’re not just doing so out of curiosity. They really enjoy their company! The leaves hang down so low and usually move back and forth from even the slightest breeze, they tempt your cat to play with them or even eat them. This house plant leaves will keep your cat occupied and entertained for hours.

Larger plants have thicker stems and bases that your cat might not be able to chew through. Don’t worry about it though Stem, trunk, leaves, and other parts of the plant won’t poison your cat if they eat them.

How Can I Keep My Cats Out of My Majesty Palm Tree?

Your cat eating, playing with, or rubbing on your Majesty Palm may not harm them, but could certainly damage your plants. If your cat spends too much time near your palms, then try using one of these tips to discourage him/her from doing so;

Citrus Fruit Peels

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons or limes have quite a strong smell, which cats generally do not like. Put some fresh peels from these fruits on the top layer of your palm’s soil, this should keep your pet away.

However, do not use any citrus essential oils because they’re highly concentrated and could potentially harm your pets.

Grow Cat Grass

A common reason why your cat might be attracted to your palm tree is because they’re naturally inclined to eat green leaves, which most outdoor cats tend to satisfy through grazing on grass.

If you don’t want to risk damaging your palms because your cats feel then need to eat them, then grow some delicious cat grass inside instead. You can inquire about growing cat grass at home with any local nursery home or gardening service.

Cayenne Pepper

Another strong smell that cats dislike. If you sprinkle some cayenne pepper on top of the soil, your cat will not be as inquisitive. They can’t stand the smell.

What Characterizes Majesty Palms?

Despite the fact that in its native habitat, the majesty palm grows to be quite tall (up to 90 feet tall), people often grow them indoors for their beautiful foliage.

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It takes several years for majesty palm species to grow into trees. They are very slow growing and will only reach about ten feet in height when they are planted indoors.

Which Palms Are Safe for Cats?

Other than majesty palms, there are several different types of palm trees which are safe for cats. So if you are interested in growing your collection of indoor palm trees, here are some great common palm alternatives that are cats safe:

  • Parlor palm is basically a miniature version of the majestic palm. It can be kept in similar conditions and has even more beautiful leaf branches and palm fronds.
  • The Bamboo palm look very similar to a majestic palm, but differs in how it’s stem looks. Bamboo palms have several thin trunks instead of one thick trunk. It’s also slightly shorter than the majesty palm.
  • The Ponytail palm has leaves that look just like a pony tail! It’s a houseplant that is easy to grow indoors, requires minimal water, and doesn’t need much attention.

How do I Keep My Majesty Palm Healthy?

Majesty palm trees are endemic to Madagascar. Here are some basic things you need to know about caring for this beautiful, tropical color houseplant:

Majesty palms commonly grow to about 10 feet tall when indoors, meaning, a large enough pot is needed to hold the roots and keep the plant from becoming  unbalanced.

Find a pot that is at least 3 inches larger that the root ball of your palm tree. This houseplant grows best if you have it planted in fertile, loose, well-draining soil.

Cactus soil mix from Espoma seems to work really well. It is also important that it is well-draining soil to avoid root rot.

Indirect light is best, preferably medium bright light. If you’re looking for an ideal spot, a few feet away from a southern or eastern facing window would be best. A grow light is a good way to supplement natural sunlight if you don’t have access to direct sunlight during the day.

Watering too often may cause the soil to become oversaturated. Letting the soil dry out slightly before waterings helps prevent this from happening.

If it is touch dry on the top, you should be fine to water again. Each plant has its own individual needs for irrigation; however, if you want to keep them healthy, they need to be watered every seven days.

The best way to keep a good watering frequency, is to pick a day of the week and stick to it.

Apply a balanced fertilizer every two or three months when plants are actively growing.

What Other Popular Houseplants Are Toxic to Cats?

Plants are commonly seen in most homes. Plants not only beautify our homes but they’re good for us too! Plus, they purify indoor air and may even be helpful at reducing stress and helping us feel better when we need it most. If you have cats, then some plants may be poisonous for them.

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Be careful when buying new houseplants because they could contain toxins. These are some plants that are toxic for cats:

Peace lilies

They’re among the most popular flowering plants for indoor use. They’re easy to grow, their bright green foliage makes them an attractive addition to any home, and they require minimal care.

However, they  contain calcium oxalate which could lead to vomiting, irritation of the stomach and intestines, heavy drooling, or even difficulty swallowing or breathing when they are ingested.

If these symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately. They’re not harmful to touch but are toxic if swallowed.

Monstera deliciosa’s

Monsteras are among the most popular tropical plants for indoor use due to their beautiful foliage. They’re often used in interior design because of their striking appearance.

These monstera plants require minimal care, making them an ideal choice for anyone looking to add some greenery into their homes.

Sadly, Monstera deliciosas contain insoluble calcium oxalate which makes them extremely poisonous to cats. Symptoms may include burning of the lips, tongue, throat, and stomach; excessive drooling; swollen gums; and nausea/vomiting.

Snake plants

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (Snake Plants) is known as one of the best indoor plants for low light conditions and for improving air quality – making it an incredibly popular plant at homes across America.

Snake plants aren’t poisonous for people but they’re not safe for pets either. If your cat eats them, he may experience symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Sago Palm

Sago Palms are an interesting and tropical addition to the house and they help improve indoor air quality. They’re an interesting conversation starter and a nice addition to any room decor.

However, these plants contain toxins which are harmful to animals, so keep them away from pets. If any part of the plant (including leaves) is eaten, it may lead to nausea, diarrhea, and possibly liver damage.

There have also been reports of them being fatal.  If you have cats at home, these plants should be avoided at any cost.

If you are, at any point, unsure about whether your house plants may be a danger to your pets or children. Contact your local veterinarian or ASPCA.

Final Words Of Is Majesty Palm Safe For Cats

So, now you know the answer to are majesty palms toxic to cats, feel free to share these beautiful plants with your feline friends.
