Do LED Lights Attract Spiders?

Last Updated on January 31, 2022 by Grow with Bovees

So you’ve just put up a new set of LED lights, and noticed an influx of spiders and other insects, and are wondering does LED lights attract spiders?

The quick answer is that LED lights attract a lot of different bug species in your house and surroundings, but spiders aren’t attracted to the bright lights themselves, but to the types of prey that are attracted to light.

What Bugs Are Spiders Attracted To? 

Spiders including nocturnal spiders are actually good for your home because every meal they eat is one bug eliminated for you, so you have fewer insects in your home Even though the food source that spiders are attracted to depends on the species, these predators are known to eat a variety of foods including flying insects such as mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies, and even other spiders.

The species of spiders range from tarantulas, wolf spiders to cellar spiders and crab spiders. These species of arachnids can be classified into two main types-web-building spiders and hunting spiders, where the former spider species consume flying insects, and the latter species of spiders could stay in concealed areas, and attack their prey like grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles as they come near.

But unlike a lot of other arthropods like ticks, mosquitoes, mites and chiggers that feed on human blood, most spider species have no interest in biting humans.

Why are Spiders Attracted to Light?

Most spiders are attracted to bright LED lights surrounded by flying insects. In fact, any light whether in gardens or homes attracts common insects, and spiders looking to prey on them and dead insects in the neighboring area.

LED lights emit a broader, warmer light compared to other types of light, which is just right for spiders to hunt for prey.

There are also certain light colors these eight-legged insects gravitate more towards than others such wolf spiders that are attracted to green wavelength.

Therefore, spiders aren’t exactly attracted to LED lights per se, but to the many bugs that tend to surround illuminated places because spiders will seek out any valuable food source.

Why are Bugs and Insects Attracted to LED Lights? 

Since a house spider prefers a diet of insects and bugs in normal and dusty surroundings near lights, it’s good to understand why bugs are attracted to lights to begin with.

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Most insects use light to navigate at night, hence are attracted to bright LEDs and other types of lights that provide this high level of illumination.

Another viable reason bugs are attracted to lights is due to the heat emitted by the lightbulbs, which provides them with the warmth they need to survive in cooler temperatures.

Are Spiders Good for My Home?

Even though a nocturnal spider or any other type of spider is a creepy crawler, and one that you and your family members despise especially kids, getting rid of them could cause your house more harm than good.

Many species of arachnids rely on bugs and insects for survival and are natural predators that not only eat flies but also prey on disease-carrying insects, and nasty indoor and outdoor pests such as mosquitos, cockroaches, clothing moths, and earwigs.

If you notice webs around your LED lights and ultraviolet light, that’s one of the hunting techniques of a spider to trap the bugs for their meal.

Why are Spiders Bad for My Home?

Spiders at times can emit unpleasant aromas or a strong vinegary smell especially when dead, so the last thing you want is for this strong smell to linger around your house.

Most of the spiders in the United States aren’t poisonous, but two of the spider species are poisonous-the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. Although non-poisonous spiders aren’t interested in humans, they can still bite, leaving welt-sized abrasions on your skin.

These bites can be painful and irritating and could cause serious harm if left untreated, which is why most homeowners use a few methods to keep spiders at bay.

Spider webs don’t lend a kept appearance to any home. Have you ever noticed webs in an unkempt garden or home? Spiders build webs regardless of whether they are inside or outside, which can be a daunting task to clean up.

How to Identify a Poisonous Spider?

Even if you can deal with the occasional spider webs, the last thing you want in your home are a trove of poisonous spiders. That said, here’s how to determine if your spider infestation is venomous or not.

With more than 45,000 known species of spiders worldwide, and 3,000 species in North America, there’s a good chance a few of them will end up touring your home at some point.

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The Brown Recluse

The venom of the brown recluse spider is very poisonous, but rarely causes a lot of damage due to the small quantity.

This spider species features a dark brown violin shape on its back, and is predominantly found in the Midwest and Southeast of the United States. Even though the brown recluse bites unintentionally when it feels trapped, its bites can take up to three weeks to heal.

The Black Widow

There are various types of widow spiders including the brown widow, gray widow, red widow, but the black widow is the most feared of them all.

It features an hourglass marking on its abdomen, and this species spider bites can cause headaches, nausea, fever, abdominal pain, and hypertension. Just like the Brown Recluse, the black widow is not aggressive until it’s threatened.

How to Keep the Different Types of House Spiders away from LED Light Bulbs?

If you want to keep spiders or any type of spider like a nocturnal spider away from LED lights or other light sources, you have to get rid of the root issue that attracts a nocturnal spider as well as diurnal spiders-bugs!

LED lights attract spiders and bugs like honey, and the best way to keep bugs away from LED bulbs is by switching to tinted bug bulbs.

The ProPow bug bulb is a great choice for your garden with swarms and features new technology that makes it difficult for bugs to see the light source.

It is designed for indoor and outdoor use and is backed by a 12-month warranty against any manufacturer defects.

Another great way to keep bugs and spiders away from LED lights and light sources is by covering your LED lighting fixtures. You can do this with a light cover kit, which is made from high-quality ABS, and is easy to install.

For LED lights outdoors, you can setup some birdfeeders near the lights for the birds to get to the insects before the spiders do.

Bugs are also attracted to porch LED lights but come from still water such as road ditches, large puddles, or swimming pools. Removing these breeding grounds will reduce the number of bugs attracted to your LED lights.

Lighting citronella candles around your LED lights can also help prevent the onset of spiders. Spider senses despise the smell of scents like citrus, eucalyptus, and peppermint, making citronella candles a strong repellant. And don’t forget to turn the LED lights off, so that insects and spiders won’t be attracted to them.

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How to Prevent Spiders in Your House and Garden?

If you don’t want to share your home with these eight-legged friends, the good news is that there are several ways to prevent spiders including a nocturnal spider in your house and garden, starting with closing your doors at night time.


Spiders dislike the smell of vinegar, so simply fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half water, and spray around your LED lights, and in corners, cracks, and crevices to ward off spiders.

Keep Your House Clean

Keeping your home clean and free from any clutter is not only important for your health but can also deter spiders. Apart from vacuuming and cleaning regularly to get rid of unwanted webs, you should also check things such as plants, cartons, or flower vases before bringing them into your home. Speaking of cleaning, also check your food bowl for any gone-off food, because fruit flies are a delicious snack for spiders.

Remove Plants Near LED Lights 

Spiders tend to hide in both indoor and outdoor plants, so move the plants that are within close proximity to any type of lighting.

Furthermore, remove any plants or vegetation on windows as these areas serve as entryways for spiders into your home.

Use Sticky Traps 

You can add sticky traps around your LED lights and other areas of your home to trap and kill spiders. The TERRO T3206SR spider trap can trap big 3” brown recluse, black widow, and hobo spiders, and you can use it either flat or folded.

Cover Your Pet Food 

Pet food is also a treat for insects and spiders, so seal your pet food bags to avoid attracting spiders in your home.

Final Words on Does LED Lights Attract Spiders

Now you know more about are spiders attracted to a light source, and some of the options open to you.

Spiders frighten a lot of people, but the vast majority are completely harmless, and would rather be left alone to go about their business. Please be kind to the next spider you come across!
