Mix Ratio for 2 4 D Amine

Last Updated on March 31, 2022 by Grow with Bovees

There are a lot of different methods to practice when it comes to broadleaf weed control. Some ways to control broadleaf weeds are organic whereas others are chemical products.

In this article we will focus on a specific broadleaf weed killer, namely 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, which, in short, is known as 2,4-D Amine.

If you are struggling with an irritating infestation of broad-leaved weeds in your lawn or yard area, and you would like to give this product a go, continue on as we discuss the proper mixing ratio for 2 4 D Amine and how to make use of it in order to rid your garden of harmful lawn weeds.

What is 2-4-D Amine?

2.4-D weed killer herbicides are systemic herbicides that are able to selectively kill weeds effectively by changing their cells’ natural growth pattern.

It is classified as an auxin-type herbicide. This means that it can manipulate the cells in plant tissues of the broadleaf weed to grow uncontrolled, causing the plant systems and specific cells that are responsible for the transportation of water and nutrients to grow endlessly. This change in cells will kill broadleaf weeds.

This product can be used for weed control in pastures, golf courses, rangeland, parks, cemeteries and other ornamental turf.

2 4-D Amine can be used as a pre-emergent herbicide as well as a post-emergent herbicide.

Continue on to learn about the correct mixing ratio of these popular weed killers.

General Mixing Ratio of 2,4-D Amine

This type of weed killer is popularly used among lawn care professionals, as it is a reliable choice to control weeds. It is, however, important that you get the mixing ratio right, otherwise you may risk damaging your lawn as well.

This herbicide is manufactured by a different brand, so the mixing ratios would vary slightly from brand to brand.

Therefore, it is always essential to read the label and follow the mixing instructions provided by the manufacturer of the product.

The ratio of the mixture and the rate at which you would apply the herbicide, depends on active ingredients’ concentration present in the herbicide.

To paint a general picture, you can mix 2.5 oz (5 tbsp) of 2,4 D per gallon of water (half a gallon for 1.25 oz). This solution would be enough to cover about 400 square feet of your garden weed infestation. Double this amount, and it will cover roughly 800-1000 square feet of weed infested grass. This ratio of mixing is relevant for most 2,4-D Amine herbicides.

Limitations of Application and Mixing

As mentioned above, there are slight differences when it comes to mixing and application instructions of this herbicide depending on the brand that you choose to use. If you read the different manufacturer guides, you will find several factors that should be considered, as they may affect the amount of herbicide that you can apply to your grass lawn.

These factors include:

  • Weed susceptibility
  • Size of the weed laden area — measured in square feet
  • Weather and environmental conditions
  • The weed’s growth stage
  • The quality of the herbicide product
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Mixing Ratio for Different Products of 2,4-D Amine

To give you an idea of the different mixing ratios of 2, 4-D liquid herbicide brands that contain the chemical 2,4-D formula, we will continue by discussing a few popular choices.

Hi-Yield 2,4-D Selective Weed Killer

This brand of 2,4-D liquid concentrate is great to use when dealing with broadleaf weed species such as arrowhead and dandelion. Use it on grassland, lawns and ditches without harming other beneficial broad-leaf species or the grass, thanks to its weed-selective properties.

The ideal ratio for mixing is 1:15 — one gallon of herbicide to 15 gallons of water.

If you are dealing with a relatively small surface of a weed infested area, mix 3-4 ounces of the liquid concentrate — that would be 6-8 tablespoons — with 1-3 gallons of water per 1000 square feet of yard.

According to the manufacturer, you should first add half of the required water to a tank of your choice, then add the required liquid concentrate, followed by adding the other half of the prescribed water.

Mix it well and spray it evenly over the affected area.

Southern Ag Amine Weed Killer

This product is a popular and cost-effective herbicide to use on a broad-leaf weed problem. A relatively large area can be covered using only a small amount of the herbicide.

After mixing, use it on several types of ornamental turf, including golf courses and pastures.

Mix 2-3 teaspoons of this type of herbicide together with 3-5 gallons of water. This amount of mixture should cover about 1000 square feet of infested lawn.

For the best result, apply the mixed product with a low-pressure, fan-type sprayer.

Drexel De-Amine 4

This type of 2,4-D weed killer, is commonly used to get rid of perennial weeds as well as annual weeds growing on turfgrass, in corn and in grains.

Ideally, you should mix 2.5 ounces of the herbicide concentrate with one gallon of water. This ratio may, however, vary depending on some external factors. These include required coverage, the choice of equipment and weed sensitivity.


Always take precautions when applying any of the herbicides mentioned above. They may pose a harmful threat to adults, kids and pets if not handled correctly.

Always wear protective gear to shield your skin from the herbicide. Protective attire includes eye goggles, gloves, long-sleeved shirts, long pants and proper shoes.

Always mix according to manufacturer specifications.

Should Surfactant Be Added to 2,4-D Amine?

What is a surfactant and is it necessary to add to 2,4-D herbicides before applying it to problematic areas?

A surfactant is often mixed with certain herbicides to increase their effectiveness, adequate coverage and penetration.

It is a compound that aids a herbicide to better stick to plants leaves, boosting the successful elimination of grass weeds as well as reducing the chances of the herbicide washing away due to heavy rain or watering.

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How Much Surfactant Per Gallon of Liquid Concentrate

In order to improve the effectiveness of 2,4-D Amine, it is advised to add a surfactant to it. You can choose between a commercial surfactant — they come readily available and with specific rates of mixing — or alternatively, dish washing soap.

If you are using one gallon of water for your herbicide concentrate, simply add a tablespoon of soap to the mix. This small amount will cause the solution to attach itself to the weeds leaves effectively.

It is advised to add the surfactant and the 2,4-D before adding 1 gallon of water, to ensure that the ingredients get combined properly.

Add this combination of ingredients to a hose-end sprayer of a garden hose, multi – use spray applicators, hand sprayer, backpack sprayer, metering sprayers, spray tank or a spray bottle for effective application.

Type of Grass to Treat With 2,4-D Amine

Most grass species and cereals are able to handle the potency of 2,4-D herbicide. Due to this resistance, the herbicide is often used on grain fields, for broadleaf control.

Types of grass species and grains that are included — but not limited to — are:

  • Watergrass
  • Poison oak
  • Annual bluegrass
  • Foxtail
  • Bermuda grass
  • Crabgrass
  • Blackberry
  • Quack grass
  • Italian ryegrass
  • Wild barley
  • Horsetail
  • Augustine grass

Weed Laden Grass

If you want to treat weed infested lawn grass, combine 200 gallons of water with 24 oz of 2,4-D herbicide for every acre that you wish to treat.

The treatment is very effective, and successfully kills wild garlic, chickweed, clover, dandelion, plantain, green oxalis, virginia creeper and speedwell, just to name a few.

Broadleaf Weeds on Pastures & Grass Turfs

If you want enough solution to treat an acre, simply mix 24 oz of herbicide together with 100-200 gallons of water. Be careful, however, if the grass is still at an early stage of growth. In this case, lower the concentration of herbicide by half.

Avoid 2,4-D application to fields that are in bloom.

Wheat & Barley

For one acre of field, apply a mixture of 8-12 oz 2,4-D to 100-200 gallons of water to kill wild radish, mustard, fiddle-neck and star thistle.

To avoid damaging your crops, only apply treatment once they are established, and have reached a height of roughly 4-6 inches tall.

Young crops have been shown to be sensitive to 2,4-D application.

Rice Fields

15 gallons of spray together with 16-24 fluid ounces of herbicide per acre is the usual treatment for weeds growing in rice fields.

The treatment is usually carried out via airplane application to eliminate broad-leaf weeds such as water plantain, burhead, arrowhead lily along with other water weeds commonly found in rice fields.

Only spray in fields that are well established and when the water level is high. Crop injuries are a possibility when the water levels are too low.

Milo & Corn

It is recommended to treat the crop rows with a single application before the crops start to grow and cover the rows. Apply a ratio of 16-24 ounces of concentrate to 100-200 gallons of water.

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This way, you can reduce the risk of perennial broadleaf weeds infesting the area. These perennial weeds may include wild morning and or kelp.

Can 2,4-D Amine Be Harmful?

It is always a good thing to keep in mind, that this post-emergent herbicide is quite powerful, and it can cause harm to surrounding grass or plants if not applied correctly or if it is applied too frequently, even though it says that your lawn will stay unharmed. It should always be applied in non-crop areas and in the right weather conditions.

Signs of Excessive Application

If you have applied this product too much or in the wrong ratio, your grass will start showing the following signs:

  • Pale yellow looking grass. May appear scorched or bleached
  • Dead grass
  • Brown grass
  • Completely dried or dehydrated looking grass

If you wish to avoid this damage to your grass lawn, always be sure to mix the herbicide properly and avoid continuous application.

Follow the instructions on the product label, for the correct application process and be sure to add the correct amount of water and surfactant to the 2,4-D concentration.

Remember, a stronger mixture will not eliminate more weeds, but it will start killing your lawn.

When Does 2,4-D Amine Start Working?

The complete process of properly killing the weeds down to their roots can take up to two weeks. Injury from herbicides, may, however, already be seen after about 48 hours post treatment, when the dying weeds will start showing signs such as discoloration and wilting.

If the conditions of the weed-laden grass are too wet when applying 2,4-D the potency of the herbicide may be reduced. This happens because the esters and salts break down too quickly if there is too much moisture.

Considerations for Maximum Effect to Control Broadleaf Weeds

To ensure that your 2 4-D Amine application can work to its full effect, look out for these simple tips:

  • Apply during times of little rain
  • Apply when the weeds are still young (at their bud stage) and actively growing — early spring
  • Apply when the temperature is less than 90 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Apply when there is little to no wind

Final Words

I hope this article has made it clear how important the ideal mixing ratio of 2, 4-D Amine weed killer to water is when it comes to spot treatment of individual weeds using this and other herbicides.

You will cause more harm than good to the treated area if the solution is mixed incorrectly.

Along with keeping the above named tips for its effectiveness in mind, following the correct application method as well as sticking to the allocated application rates, you should have a beautiful lush green lawn free of broadleaf weeds in no time.

Happy weeding!


